Prime Minister Narendra Modi, during a community event in New York on Sunday, asserted that India has no role in contributing to the destruction of the world, a pointed remark seemingly aimed at the West.
Speaking to thousands of Indian-Americans at the event, Modi emphasized that India India, despite housing 17 percent of the world’s population, contributes less than four percent of global carbon emissions
Talking about India's green energy transition, he said a large number of green jobs are being created in India. "India represents about 17 percent of the world's population, and despite that, our contribution to emission is about only four per cent," he said, adding India today has "no role in causing destruction” to the world.
Photo: Global Carbon Atlas Photo: Global Carbon AtlasChina is the world's biggest carbon emitter followed by the US, India and the EU."Our carbon emission is almost negligible," he said, further adding that India, unlike other nations, could have chosen a carbon-fueled growth trajectory but opted instead for a greener path. He emphasized that India’s cultural tradition of respecting nature has guided the country’s focus on renewable energy sources such as solar, wind, hydro, green hydrogen, and nuclear energy, areas where India continues to invest.
Referring to the impressive digital progress made by India, Modi told Indian Americans that they might have wallets in their pockets here, but people in India have digital wallets. “No one can stop India now. India wants to have maximum mobile devices on 'Made in India' chips," he said.
The prime minister spoke about the remarkable progress made in the education sector. He wants students from across the world to come and study in India. The number of educational institutions has increased manifold.
Prime Minister Modi's remarks in the U.S. highlight India's delicate balancing act between economic growth and environmental responsibility. By emphasizing that India, despite its population size, contributes only minimally to global carbon emissions, Modi seeks to counter the narrative that emerging economies are primarily to blame for the climate crisis. His focus on green energy and India's tradition of environmental stewardship underscores the country's commitment to sustainable development. At the same time, Modi's vision of a digitally advanced and self-reliant India, particularly in sectors like mobile technology and education, signals a confident nation ready to lead on the global stage. India’s efforts to become an innovation and clean energy and higher education destination for the world underlines the country’s vision of aspiring to build a better future.
(This story has been slightly reworked from an auto-generated PTI feed.)pwbet gaming