Union Environment Minister Bhupender Yadav announced on Saturday that the central government will provide financial help to start-ups focusing on waste recycling. He also highlighted the need to save energy and water and to ban single-use plastic to protect the environment. Yadav spoke about this during a beach clean-up event at Juhu Beach in Mumbai, part of International Coastal Cleanup Day.
He said, "The central government will support recycling start-ups. My ministry has set guidelines for giving one-time financial help to these start-ups." Yadav also pointed out that while we use nature’s resources, we often forget to recycle, which leads to waste on our beaches and roads. He added that the government’s focus will be on saving resources, stopping the use of single-use plastics, reducing food waste, encouraging healthy living, and managing e-waste.
Maharashtra Chief Minister Eknath Shinde also joined the event and stressed the importance of keeping the state’s 720-kilometer coastline clean. He said a clean coastline can boost tourism, helping the economy of Maharashtra.
Shinde also talked about the ongoing cleanliness drive that started on September 17 at Girgaum Chowpatty and will go on until October 2. He praised the large number of people joining in from across the state, calling cleanliness a form of public service. He added that after the monsoons, the BMC will restart its deep cleaning efforts using recycled water to clean roads, which has also helped in reducing pollution.
Shinde further noted that since the launch of the 'Swachh Bharat Abhiyan' (Clean India Mission) by Prime Minister Narendra Modi, more people have become aware of the need for cleanliness. Both Yadav and Shinde stressed that working together, with the government and the public, is key to keeping our environment clean and sustainable. With support for recycling start-ups and ongoing clean-up efforts, India aims to improve waste management and protect the environment for future generations.
Government support for waste recycling start-ups and the continued efforts to clean beaches and promote sustainability will significantly benefit India. India can reduce its environmental footprint, improve public health, and create a cleaner1xbet, more sustainable future by focusing on recycling, conserving resources, and banning single-use plastics. Supporting start-ups in this sector will also boost innovation, create jobs, and strengthen the country’s waste management systems. Furthermore, maintaining clean coastlines will also promote tourism, further contributing to the economy. These efforts combined will surely result in a greener, healthier and more prosperous India.